06-26【于 飞】腾讯会议 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之三十六


题目: Hassett-Keel program and moduli spaces of Abelian differentials





摘要:The Hassett-Keel program seeks to offer a modular interpretation for the log minimal model program of the moduli space of stable curves. Alper, Fedorchuk, and Smyth have proposed a conjectural framework for this program by analyzing Gorenstein curve singularities under the action of G_m. Our work draws parallels between this approach and the study of the Kontsevich-Zorich conjectures pertaining to moduli spaces of Abelian differentials. We address pertinent questions in this area by employing test configurations and the Rees construction, methodologies that stem from the theory of K-stability. This research is a collaborative effort with Dawei Chen and is currently in progress.   
